by Annabelle | 29 May, 2015 |
BREAKFAST ROOM GREEN Breakfast Room Green feels lively at any time of day. Taken straight from nature it makes us feel safe and calm in our home environment. Its slightly botanical feel creates a fresh room when paired with complementary James White on the ceiling. It’s best contrasted with stronger Calke Green on the woodwork to recreate the colours derived from the irregular staining and tinting found in plants and vegetables. Complete this leafy look, with Light Gray as an accent colour in the back of shelves, on the floor, or as random stripes on the wall to create a really exciting, fashionable interior. This trend reflects a shift away from hard, graphic interiors to a softer more natural feel with a modern twist. Breakfast Room Green No.81 Calke Green No.34 Light Gray No.17...
by Annabelle | 22 May, 2015 |
Shepherd’s Hut in Mizzle No.266 with hinges in Pitch Black No.256 | Exterior Eggshell and Full Gloss Summer houses and garden sheds look charming in Blue Gray or the slightly greener French Gray, both in Exterior Eggshell. Add character by using Castle Gray on window frames and doors. Summer house in Wimborne White No.239 | Exterior...
by Annabelle | 21 May, 2015 |
Bench seat in Brassica No.271 | Exterior Eggshell Benches, planters and pots are a great place to embrace strong colour, and ensure your garden is bright and cheerful all year long. Try colours like St Giles Blue, Charlotte’s Locks or Yellowcake for a really bold look. Or choose heathery tones like Brassica, Calluna and Mizzle for a more natural feel. Bench in Charlotte’s Locks No.268 | Exterior...
by Annabelle | 20 May, 2015 |
House in Oxford Stone No.264 | Exterior Masonry In keeping with its name, why not try Oxford Stone in Exterior Masonry Paint for exterior walls. For the urban exterior, try Manor House Gray on window frames with Railings on the front door, all in Exterior...
by Annabelle | 19 May, 2015 |
Door in Pitch Black No.256 | Exterior Eggshell Window boxes painted in colours like Card Room Green or Oval Room Blue will enhance any exterior, but be careful not to use more than three colours on the front of your house or it can begin to look confused. Paint your front door and window boxes the same colour, but try using two finishes for added interest – Full Gloss on the door and Exterior Eggshell on the boxes. Classic colours such as black and red are very smart for front doors – try Pitch Black and Incarnadine for a classic, stylish look. Other popular front door colours include Plummett, Studio Green, Black Blue and Hague Blue, which in Full Gloss could not be more elegant. On the other hand Blue Gray or Lichen in Exterior Eggshell will give a more relaxed and contemporary feel. Exterior wall in All White No.2005, pots (clockwise from top left): St Giles Blue No.280, Drawing Room Blue No.253, Green Blue No.84, Lulworth Blue No.89, Cook’s Blue No.237 & Stone Blue No. 86 all Exterior Eggshell. | Exterior Masonry and Exterior...