How To Use Colour

How To Use Colour

Living Room in Pavillion Gray No.242 & All White No.2005 | Estate Emulsion & Estate Eggshell 


Although there are a myriad of decorating styles and techniques, when it comes to colour choice and Interior design, there are no hard and fast rules, it’s about what you feel comfortable with, and your vision for your home. Whether with paint or wallpaper, there are three popular ways of decorating:



A traditional style is to apply one colour to the walls and a white gloss on the woodwork.

Visually this is a very clean look, but it can sometimes appear harsh depending on the contrast between colours. To soften the contrast choose an empathetic companion colour for the ceiling. This will make the contrast more gradual, and as a result the room will look surprisingly spacious.



A marvellous way to create light and space is to use the lightest colour on the largest surface area, such as the walls, and a darker tone on woodwork.

This works well if you are using a neutral scheme, and gives a more ‘decorated’ feel.

The use of a dark colour on skirting boards, not only makes the walls appear lighter in contrast, but it also creates a strong contemporary aesthetic, making everything above feel elongated and lighter in contrast.



Dining room with walls and ceiling in All White No.2005 Estate Emulsion, trim in Pointing No.2003 and cupboards in Teresa’s Green No.236 Estate Eggshell
Bedroom with walls in Silvergate BP 878 & trim in Plummet No.272 Estate Eggshell


There is great historic precedent for using one colour on both walls and woodwork and it is also popular in contemporary settings as it creates a strong, clean look.

It generates a sense of calm in a room, as well as exaggerating its size, as there are no contrasts to draw the eye.


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Study with walls, floor and trim in All White No.2005 Estate Emulsion, Estate Eggshell and Floor Paint
Living room with walls in French Gray No.18 Estate Eggshell, trim in London Stone No.6 Estate Emulsion and ceiling in Blackened No.2011 Estate Emulsion



Posted on

3 July, 2015

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